Welsh Refugee Council
“The children and families had such a wonderful time, smiling and dancing throughout, pointing to all the wonderful curiosities along the trail. These families could not have afforded to attend the trail on their weekly asylum allowance. This event allowed our families to have a break from the difficult asylum process.” – Welsh Refugee Council, 2023
The Welsh Refugee Council is the leading refugee organisation in Wales, delivering urgent services to asylum seekers and refugees for over 33 years. The charity supports some of the most vulnerable people in society who have fled from persecution, torture, war, and oppression.
Annually, the Council helps 3,800 asylum seekers and refugees to build new futures through specialist advice, support, resettlement activities, housing, and advocacy services. The partnership with Christmas at Bute Park is special because Christmas for many communities often holds cultural and social significance. This partnership will embrace diversity and promote inclusivity by involving individuals from different backgrounds, fostering a sense of belonging and integration.
“Partnerships are the foundation of our work in supporting asylum seekers and refugees, enabling us to amplify our impact and create lasting change in the lives of people seeking sanctuary in Wales. Together, we can build bridges of support, understanding, and hope, ensuring that no one faces their journey alone.” – Asha, Business Development Manager, Welsh Refugee Council.
To find out more information about the charity, follow this link.